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LessonPix Informational Flyers

LessonPix attends many conferences and workshops where we provide informational flyers and give-aways. If you attend a conference such as American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA),  American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), and Closing the Gap, stop by and check out the latest features LessonPix has to offer.

Here are some of our common informational flyers available to download and print. 

  • Basic Information Flyer (front and back)


  • Comprehensive Trifold Flyer

  • Core Board Flyer

  • Voice Volume Sample and Make and Take Demo (LessonPix Booth often has a make & take using a pipe cleaner, bead, and hole punch to turn this voice volume into a tactile visual.)


  • Eye Gaze Frame (front and back)