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Somebody loves you Mr Hatch

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Samantha Foggin
Question Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Somebody loves you Mr Hatch Who is the main character in the story? Mrs. Hatch Mr. Hatch Johnny Hatch Where did Mr. Hatch work? grocery store school the shoelace factory What did Mr. Hatch eat for lunch everyday? Cheese and Mustard Sandwich Macaroni and Cheese pickles Where did Mr. Hatch stop after work? newsstand and Grocery Store McDonald's his mom's house What did Mr. Hatch find on his porch? bird box of candy newspaper What did the card with the candy say? You make me happy! Somebody is angry at you! somebody loves you! How did Mr. Hatch feel after getting the gift? dizzy happy sad How did Mr. Hatch change his appearance? He put on a new shirt and Tie He put on new rainboots He put on a new jacket How did Mr. Hatch act at lunch at the factory the next day? He sat with everyone and shared the candy. He sat by himself and read a book. He took a nap. Why did Mr. Hatch watch the newsstand for Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith needed to go the vet. Mr. Smith needed to go to a wedding. Mr. Smith needed to go to the doctor. How did Mr. Hatch help Mr. Todd at the grocery store? Mr. Hatch looked for his little girl. Mr. Hatch brought him some lunch. Mr. Hatch loaned him a watch. What dessert did Mr. Hatch share with the neighbors? ice cream cupcake brownie What did the postman tell Mr. Hatch about the valentine? The candy was yucky. He was late picking it up. It was not for Mr Hatch. How did Mr. Hatch feel after he found out the valentime was for someone else? excited furious What did his neighbors do after seeing Mr. Hatch sad? Bought him a bike Threw a party for him. Planted a garden for him.

Answering questions, WH questions, Somebody Loves you Mr. Hatch book

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